

​​​​​​​​GAINES BEND                    

Property Owners Association

David Fox
General Fund: Membership, Delinquents &
Collections, Mail Center

1001 Agarita Circle, Graford, Tx 76449
​ 832.492.1161​ (cell)

Bret Jordan
Road Fund: Pavement & Grounds
1001 E Sumac Ln, Graford, Tx 76449
​817.304.3145​ (cell)

General Fund: Administration

​     Jackie Fewell (Recording Secretary)        
     1007 Redbud Point
     Graford, TX 76449                 
     940.445.7622 ( cell)               

     Barbara Vinson (Contracted Administrator)
     1013 Cardinal Cove
     Graford, TX 76449
     940.445.9208 (cell)



Palo Pinto Sheriff’s Department


PK Chamber of Commerce



PK Emergency Medical Services (EMS)


PK Volunteer Fire Department (VFD)


PK Water Supply

United Co-Op / Electric Service



PK General Store


New Source Broadband (Internet service provider)



Nextlink Broadband (Internet service provider)

​United Cooperative Broadband (Internet service provider - FUTURE)


NOTE: Please register at https://connect.ucs.net/ to increase likelihood of earlier service

Communications (Micky Holmes)

  • Electronic media - GBPOA website, Nextdoor, Facebook, PMI Metroplex website

  •  Newsletters

  • Welcome information for new members

PMG Liaison (Micky Holmes)

  • Manage communications with PMG

 Special Activities (Bill Moss)

  • Manage community events such as annual Fish Fry

RGB Liaison (Bill Moss)

  • Negotiations and liaison with RGB and Gaines Bend Development

Risk Management (Jim Switzer)

  • Manage insurance policies (January Board approved $11,870.17 for loss and liability insurance policy)

Delinquents and Collections (David Fox)

  • Manage and coordinate processes for collection of delinquent accounts in coordination with the Treasurer and Premier Management Group

Mail Center (David Fox)

  • Assign new boxes to homeowners
  • Reorganizing current system to improve accuracy of mail delivery
  •  Developing a design to expand for long-term growth in capacity

Short-Term Rentals (Jim Switzer)

  • Develop GBPOA policy for short-term rentals (Bruce Ashworth has volunteered to work on this with our attorney)

Data Management (Mert Fewell)

  • Manage and coordinate processes to maintain security and automated control data

Membership (David Fox)

  • Manage and coordinate efforts to maintain a current and accurate list of GBPOA property owners and their contact information

Trash (Mert Fewell)

  • Waste disposal
  • Operation and maintenance of compactors and control systems
  • Trash site custodial
  • Recycling
  • Trash site pavement, fencing and other infrastructure


GBPOA Annual Fish Fry
Saturday, May 3rd, 5:00pm
​GBPOA Sales Office

Our new Property Management Company for GBPOA property owners effective Jan 1, 2023! 


Policies & Forms


    Up to 4 trash cards per property

           1st is free              3rd is $15

           2nd is $15             4th is $15
    Broken or non-functional cards     

    replaced for free, $15 otherwise

    NTTA/other toll tags enabled for $5

    Gaines Bend-only toll tags are $30





The GBPOA Architectural Control Committee (ACC) must approve any building before the start of your project.  This includes interior remodeling and most landscaping projects.  If in doubt, check with the Committee Chair first. To get started, read the Construction Rules that accompany the Permit Request.

2025 Gaines Bend Construction Schedule

The following limits apply to all builders, construction contractors and construction subcontractors on Gaines Bend

Normal schedules:

Work hours are limited to weekdays 7 AM to7 PM and Saturdays 9 AM to 4 PM.
No work is permitted on Sundays, major holidays, or major holiday weekends.

The following are major holidays and associated work moratoriums for 2025:

New Years Day -- Wednesday, January 1
Memorial Day -- Saturday, May 24 through Monday, May 26
Fourth of July -- Friday, July 4 through Sunday, July 6
Labor Day -- Saturday, August 30 through Monday, September 1
Thanksgiving – Thursday, November 27
Christmas – Thursday, December 25

A copy of the Gaines Bend Covenants and Restrictions is also provided below in case you’re interested in some light reading. If you or your children operate any off-road vehicles (ATV, Mule, etc.), you should be aware of the ORV Rules Gaines Bend Development has implemented, and the Release they want you to sign to use an ORV within the development. Those documents are provided below for your convenience.

Lastly, the GBPOA Bylaws and all other documents can be downloaded with a simple click on any of the appropriate highlighted text. Please let us know if there’s any other information we can post here for your convenience. 

As always, an E–mail to give us some feedback on the new site and what you need from yourBoard of Directors is always appreciated!



​​​​​​​​​Gaines Bend is our family friendly lake community located within a 1,000 acre subdivision on Possum Kingdom Lake's eastern shoreline.

Nearly 300 families own property in Gaines Bend today- and while many have moved to the lake full-time, the majority use their homes as their vacation sanctuary. 

A working cattle ranch, deer and other wildlife add to the natural appeal and charm of Gaines Bend, arguably one of the more desirable communities on Possum Kingdom Lake. ​​

Bill Moss (President)
General Fund: Special Activities
Road Fund: Signage

1001 Briar Circle, Graford, TX 76449
713.857.4320 (cell)

Jim Switzer(Vice President)
General Fund: Risk Management, Short Term Rentals
1019 Robin Lane, Graford, Tx 76449
​​972.979.4503 (cell)

Mary Hill (Treasurer) 

General Fund: Finance & Accounting
987 E. Hell’s Gate Drive, Graford, TX 76449
214.454.4332 (cell)

Mert Fewell
General Fund: Data Management
Road Fund: Front Gate, IT Systems & Data
Trash Fund: Trash

1007 Redbud Point, Graford, TX 76449
940.445.1318 (cell)

Micky Holmes
General Fund: Communications
1002 Cedar Drive, Graford, Tx 76449
214.502.6048 (cell)

Broadband Internet access could be made available through United Cooperative in the future. Registering your interest at https://ucs.net/internet will help to ensure this much needed service. 

Next GBPOA Meeting
Saturday, January 25th, 10:30am
​ESD Meeting Room
Possum Kingdom Family Health 
55 FM2353 A

Graford, Tx 76449 

Since the community at Possum Kingdom Lake is not incorporated as a public entity, there is no single voice for members of the community. PKLA provides that voice. We respond to the needs of the community and provide a forum for development of ideas and discussion of matters of concern to our members. When communication with elected officials is needed, PKLA is a respected voice because of our thousand-member association. PKLA provides organized and funded community support for those services that our members often need such as fire and ambulance service as well as community activities which benefit all of our members. Click on the logo above to join. 

Rawhide Vista



​Gaines Bend

                                         ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL COMMITTEE - ACC

                                        Road Fund: Construction & Road Use Permits

          Rick Laske                                             Dr. Bill Dubois                          Heath Allen

          817.807.8955                                        972.342.7401                            432.788.8328

          pawesome.laske@gmail.com       WTD1015@yahoo.com         heath@go-vip.com

Contact Us

Community Resources

A Transition Letter and Invoices for 2023 have been mailed to the mailing address we have on file. Create your account by registering at www.pmihoa.com.

Please discontinue use of townsq.io. 

Rawhide Vistas is an area of Gaines Bend that was under development by Gaines Bend Development. Rawhide Vistas, Block 3, was purchased by Premier as part of RGB Phase I. This purchase included the Rawhide Vistas Block 3, Lots 2-25. 

Rawhide Vistas, Block 5, was purchased by a private party. This purchase included the undeveloped lots of Rawhide Vistas Block 5, Lots 1-4. 

Reserve at

Gaines Bend

Join you neighbors on Nextdoor!​​

Interact with Gaines Bend,

the Cliffs,

Sportsman's World,

the West Side..

​​​​​Gaines Bend Board of Directors

The Gaines Bend Property Owner's Association (GBPOA) is a seven-member, volunteer board that works to preserve the unique character of Gaines Bend


Air Evac Lifeteam*



Brazos River Authority



Emergency Medical Services


Fire Department (VFD East)


Gaines Bend Utilities


Graham Regional Medical Center



Lake Country Sun (News)



Palo Pinto General Hospital (Mineral Wells)



*The Helipad is dedicated to Emergency Air Evacuation and private use is prohibited by law. Also, ensure you do not park near or obstruct the Helipad area. 

Premier Land Liquidators (premierdevinc.com) out of North Carolina purchased, platted and sold 86 lots within the Gaines Bend Subdivision. This area, named the Reserve at Gaines Bend (RGB), consists of a few lakefront properties but the majority are located within the interior of Gaines Bend. Some of these properties are listed as lake-view. 

A Shared Facilities Agreement, which defines how the two Gaines Bend and RGB POA CCRs (Regulations) will interact, was certified, filed and recorded on January 6, 2022. RGB will not be pursuing any further development within Gaines Bend. 

Pavement (Bret Jordan)

  • Maintain pavement, shoulders, drainage, culverts, end walls, retaining walls and guardrails (2021 plan presented in April and funded for $150,000)

Grounds (Bret Jordan)

  • Mowing and trimming of right-of-ways
  • Tree removal and trimming
  • Litter control
  • Boat ramp, dock and park at Lantana Park
  • Planting beds
  • Wildlife response
  • Trash site grounds

Front Gate (Mert Fewell)

  • Front gate equipment and gate house
  • Maintenance and operation of access / security / compactor system
  •  Enhanced access systems like cards and toll tags (January Board motion to approve $12,000 to upgrade security was deferred)

IT Systems and Data (Mert Fewell)

  • Controlling access at front gate
  • Management and integration of data of associated systems (i.e., trash, membership, etc)

Signage (Bill Moss)

  • Consists of directional and regulatory road signs
  • Permanent information signage
  • Flags (Micky)
  • Seasonal decoration

Construction / Road Use Permits (David Fox)

  • Consists of architectural standards and permits


Barbara Vinson

  • Process requests for Trash/Gate Cards (monitor deliquent accounts
  • Process Toll Tag requests (monitor delinquent accounts)
  • Assist new owners with gate codes, welcome information
  • Validate lot ownership with new members
  • Monitor GBPOA accounts in Graham Savings and report account information to Associa
  • Assist Treasurer with receipts and payments
  • Initiate payments from Graham Savings accounts when necessary
  • Copy and mailing services
  • Lot owner registry

For trash cards, security issues and general information, please contact our administrator

Barbara Vinson at


​​​Next GBPOA Meeting
Saturday, January 25th, 10:30am
​ESD Meeting Room
Possum Kingdom Family Health 
55 FM2353 A
Graford, Tx 76449 